Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adolf Hitler Was Fundamental To The Nazi State Between

Adolf Hitler was fundamental to the Nazi State between 1933 to 1939. From his consolidation of power to the start of World War II, Hitler played a crucial role in nearly every aspect of Nazi Germany: its politics and internal administration, culture, military, and international relations. However, Hitler’s involvement in the German economy was limited and he neglected overseeing the daily governance of the state. Nonetheless, as the absolute dictator of Germany, his programs and policies set a determined course for the Nazi State. Essentially, the will of Hitler became the driving force and the sole embodiment of the Third Reich, as encapsulated by Bullock, ‘No other man played a role in the . . . history of the Third Reich remotely†¦show more content†¦Thus, through the principle of Fuhrerprinzip, ultimate authority rested with Hitler and extended downwards, enabling him to initiate a process of Gleichschaltung throughout the Nazi state. Hitler’s role in politics and internal administration between 1933 to 1939 was crucial to the Nazi state. Despite wielding absolute power, Hitler exercised it limitedly and infrequently, distancing himself from the daily decisions of the state, as supported by Albert Speer, Hitler’s personal architect, ‘I would often ask myself, did he really work?’ Hitler’s unwillingness to regulate a controlled system of government resulted in competition among the political and social elite as they formulated policy to what they believed to be Hitler’s will. This is demonstrated in a speech made by Werner Willikens in 1934, State Secretary in the Food Ministry, who proclaimed, ‘it is the duty of everybody to try to work towards the Fuhrer along the lines he would wish.’ As a result, the existence of government bodies whose regulatory and civil functions overlapped and clashed with each other lead to chaos and incoordination among the upper ec helons of the state. 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